Mergers & Acquisitions in Pittsburgh PA
In the course of our representation of successful business owners and entrepreneurs, we grow with them and often times we see an eventual desire to expand or sell off their hard-earned enterprise. Mergers and Acquisitions are a natural part of the business life cycle. We are honored to regularly counsel and guide our clients through the complex process of acquiring, selling or reorganizing their business. Our expertise focuses on servicing small to mid-market organizations.
Our mergers and acquisitions practice is a highly active practice within our firm. We are committed to closing deals for our clients in a highly detailed yet cost effective manner, and we have completed numerous transactions in multiple industries in the last several years. Our clients typically include closely-held businesses ranging in size from $2 million to $25 million in annual gross sales, in deals ranging in size from $5 million to $65 million. Most are longstanding clients of our firm, but occasionally we are retained as special counsel due to our reputation in the field.
At Minto Law Group LLC, we pride ourselves on being team players. In a transaction of any size, we work closely with business brokers, accountants, tax, insurance and retirement benefit advisors, and other professionals to ensure an effective and efficient transfer of the business. However, we are not afraid to go to the mat on behalf of our clients during negotiations on issues which are of importance to them. We are pragmatic in our approach, desiring to assist our clients in achieving their business aspirations by identifying and resolving those problems that may stand in their way.Our clients include sole proprietors, partnerships, limited liability companies and privately held corporations. Our clients come from such industries as real estate development, health care, research, management consulting, and manufacturing.Whatever size or nature of business you operate, Minto Law Group LLC can assist you in identifying opportunities to sell your enterprise – or add to it – and make your business dreams a reality.